Assessment Calculators

Retirement Estimator

Expected Investment Growth rate
Inflation Rate
Your Age
Your expected Retirement Age
Your Spouses Age
Your Spouses expected retirement age
Property rental/ other income
Your spouse salary if applicable
What is your family's cash take home requirement
Use an SA Tax Calculator for the correct Tax Figure
For how long will your family require the income
Would you sell any asset and turn it into cash
Liabilities Bond Vehicle, Credit Card Loans
Capital Costs - Special Holiday - purchase of a vehicle

How much do you have accumulated in your investments Present Value
What are your monthly contributions to Investments
What if you escalated contributions annually to retirment age, at this percentage rate

How much do you have accumulated in your retirement funds Present Value
What are your monthly contributions to Retirement
What if you escalated contributions annually to retirement age, at this percentage rate

How much does your spouse have in accumulated instruments Present Value
What are your spouses monthly contributions to Investments
What if you escalated contributions annually to retirement age, at this percentage rate

How much does your spouse have in accumulated retirement funding Present Value
What are your spouses monthly contributions to Investments
What if you escalated contributions annually to retirement age, at this percentage rate

Income Summary
Present Value
Future Value
Monthly income available
Monthly income required
Monthly shortfall / Excess
Capital Summary
Capital available at Retirement date
Capital Liabilities and expenses at Retirement date
Shortfall/ Excess at Retirement date
Funds available will provide an income for
Estimated Capital Required at Retirement Date
  • Assumption #1: If Your spouse works longer than your retirement date her salary will increase by inflation
  • Assumption #2: You have estimated your families retirement income needs fairly accurately
  • Assumption #3: You have calculated the tax requirement accurately
  • Assumption #4: You realise that this is an estimation - You have to base the term on your own life expectancy assumptions
  • Assumption #5: The possible sale of assets is based on Future Value of assest at inflation only
  • Assumption #6: Manually calculate any possible liability at retirement age
  • Assumption #7: Investment includes bank endowment ETF Unit Trust etc
  • Assumption #8: Retirement Funds include Pension Provident Retirement Annuity etc
  • Assumption #9: Future Value of capital available is based on the generic growth rate/ term to retirement and annual automatic premium increases
  • Assumption #10: Future Values of investments and Retirement funds assume retirement date and ignore actual maturity dates
  • Assumption #11: Property rental income will be available for the full term of your life expectancy

Cash Flow